Members' Liabilities

Members Liabilities

Members’ Liabilities

1. Members shall pay their additional membership fee and their annual membership fee each year within the months of June and October without any delay and shall pay their late fee in case of any default,

2. Members shall pay the designated fees against the provided services,

3. Members shall promptly notify the Chamber in case of any modification in their address, telephone, fax, e-mail address information,

4. Members who have their records cancelled at the tax office shall notify this situation to the Chamber within one month starting from the cancellation date and shall cancel their records at the Chamber,

5. Members shall declare correct information in all kinds of declarations they make to the Chamber,

6. Members shall abide by professional ethics, disciplinary rules and social solidarity rules,

7. Members shall promptly provide correct information to the Chamber with regards to statistical company information used in research activities conducted on trade and industry or with regards to product price information used for determining the current price,

8. Members who make any modification in their Trade Registry information concerning their company shall notify this modification to the Chamber within one month at the latest,

9. Cooperatives and companies that are registered to our Chamber shall notify our Trade Registry Directorate within fifteen days starting from the date of the decision concerning their shares, distribution of authority, their address, capital as well as their general assembly reunions.